Our MSN chat:
u sell out
u wrote for croc
thats fucking disgusting
Kenny says:
it's a good shoe ok!
u fucking er xin
Kenny says:
ta ma de sell out my ass!
i like it lah!
if u wear them to singapore i wont speak to u ever again
Kenny says:
u are a horrible sell out blogger
Kenny says:
i'll put them in my luggage bag how's that
look who's talking!
sell out
Kenny says:
they've giving me another pair leh!
please lar as if u not ugly enough, still wear!!!
Kenny says:
and of all colours, the mustard yellow one that looks like a baby's diarrhoea
Kenny says:
go away!
might as well get prison grey
Kenny says:
it's the comfiest shoe i've ever worn
*roll eyes*
if only its transparent
and i mean totally transparent
i shall write an entry about how much i hate croc shoes
I don't understand it, why are Singaporeans all so mad over Croc shoes? They say it's very comfy, but so are bedroom slippers, why isn't anyone wearing them out?
Whatever - in any case, they are fucking ugly, and damn well near socially unacceptable.
As it is, Singaporeans are already dressed very horribly, and along comes another consumer frenzy of ugly products! I CANNOT STAND IT ANYMORE! WHY DO ONLY THE UGLY PRODUCTS GET SO POPULAR?
I think most people know that it's damn ugly, but they still buy it coz they see everyone else wearing it, and so they think "It's alright then, I'll be ugly with them".
Pjs are comfy, and so is not wearing a bra - why isn't anyone doing it?
I hate croc shoes, they look like Ronald Mcdonalds decided to infect everyone with his sense of style.

At the very least, Ronald's clothes are matching to his shoes.
But Croc decided that since they are ugly, they might as well bring it to the max by tinting the thick rubbers with bright colours that will clash with every piece of clothing possible.
Here are a range of their best colours, see which one u like?

Colour 63: Horror Brinjal.
The best shade of purple made unroyal! Girls wearing this have their sexual attractiveness made to negative, straight boys wearing it look queer, and queer boys will never touch anything so uncamp.
Clashes best with:
Any piece of clothing possibly. Unless you wear purple pants! Set your own style and clash! Best-seller.

Colour 25: Clown Red.
Red in it's undilated poster colour shade. The rawness reminds you of rubber bands, and the red reminds you of fake tomatos in fake fruit baskets - yet you have never seen anything so undelicious. Clowns Association bought 200 pairs recently and was their most alike yet.
Clashes best with:
Jeans of any colour. Including red, somehow. Maybe you just shouldn't wear red jeans.

Colour 13: Dead Skin Beige.
One day our designer sat down on a bench, and noticed a homeless old man sleeping next to him, with his feet propped up. Seeing the calluses on that man's feet, he came up with the colour Dead Skin Beige. A bold artistic move, considering how it symbolises social standings and all.
Clashes best with:
Nothing, if you are a hobo with skin this shade.

Colour 05: Liquid Paper White.
You would think white will never go wrong, but don't forgot our company's motto is to CLASH! This rubber is bleached an unsubtle shade of white and then double reinforced with some liquid paper essense to make sure it is the most unglam clone of a Bata school shoe.
Clashes best with:
Perhaps a floral skirt? We are just suggesting.

Colour 08: Mustard Yellow.
Mustard yellow is great, but only on hotdogs and maybe people with jaundice. We considered making this a pale, more fashionable shade of yellow perhaps, but why bother? People already say our shoes looks like clown shoes. Let them say, whatever. We are the rich ones. And by rich we mean very rich. You fools.
Clashes best with:
Black business pants. Love it.

Colour 30: Prison Grey.
The hobo our designer saw spoke to him a while ago (read Dead Skin Beige) woke up and said he is homeless because he went to prison. Immediately, images of dull, unhappy walls and grey mess tins conjured in his mind (the designer, not the hobo). Thus Prison Grey, our new baby! Yet another bold, artistic social standing move.
Clashes best with:
Oddly enough, it even clashes with dull prison clothes. Yeah, kinda badly designed, we know.

Colour 01: Truck Tire black.
Colour no. 1!! A little story: Bet you didn't know Croc shoes were first invented by a mechanic who had excess tires in his workshop! He melted, cut, and TADAH! There you go. He has no sense of style.
Clashes best with:
Teeny weeny polka-dotted yellow bikinis. Oh, how it clashes!
My personal favourite is the Clown Red.
Anyway, as if it is not enough, they now came up with a new series of shoes, PARADING AS NORMAL SHOES!!!!!
Oh god the ugliness. Somebody kill me.
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