Mine was super great man, I kept winning money during mahjong. MUAHAHAHA! KELVIN, SHUYIN, RUSSELL, BENNY YOU LOSERS!!
So anyway, SY and I went to MoS with Alan (my designer) for a countdown, and then off to Kelvin's place (had to choose from 3 houses for a final party venue, yet none of the houses had a state-of-the-art fridge. -_-) for another party, in which we played mahjong till 11am!
After that we had to wake up at 3pm, to help Weili with his bbq.
So today, I stayed at home to recuperate!
There are so many photos that I have been lazy to put up, so before I start on editing the Xmas photos (all 120 of them), let's clear these first...
I got an invite last Friday for its opening. :D I know I'm rather late in blogging this, but here goes.
Shuyin told me, Isn't it great, that at this age, we get to witness the opening of a mega club?
Once again, everyone starts fresh. There are no unwritten rules on which podium is reserved for gays, or having to have friends to tell you how the club works.
Everyone's still murking around, and in the future to come, we clubbers will be the ones forming the culture that the future generation has to follow.
That is nice, isn't it?
So yes, Ministry of Sound.
I got mailed an invite, and was feeling rather elated about it, until I saw this other old blogger also hao-lianing about how she does not need to queue.**
*roll eyes*
With some ominous foreboding, I told myself that that can't be good because if she gets invited, then surely that card can't be exclusive.
Sure enough, when I got there, there was a super, mega-long queue formed, and everyone was fanning themselves with my invite.
I was quite horrified.
Eileen was already inside the club since 6pm, because she tagged along with her journalist colleague! Me was trapped outside!
I walked to the front to see what was going on, and even the damn VIP queue was so long can?!!!

When I say long, I mean long.
I seriously don't think the queue for the macdonald Hello Kitty can fight this lor.
I tried to call people to get me in, but nobody was picking up the phone (kena food poisoning/phone left in office/unable to bring me in).

Was staring at this while calling for help
Grumbling in my mind about my friend who sent me the invite and left me in the lurch, hope suddenly arrived in the form of a girl who was handling PR.
"You are Xiaxue right?" she asked. And I was brought in!
MUAHAHAHA it is great to be a blogger! Bless the superficial pleasures of life.
(**Meanwhile, the old blogger had to leave coz the queue was too long, and she, too insignificant. Sorry, I'm usually not so bitchy but this one had it coming)
Eileen told me she was inside Pure so I had a hard time finding the escalator, and then meeting her there...

With her colleague!
Pure's a room with minimalistic white furniture. There are big bean bags for you to laze on (you can even hop onto them if you really want to), or bed-like sofas enveloped with flowy white curtains, complete with a dance-floor (that I almost fell into).

I know this looks like a man holding his member,
but it is actually a hand holding a bottle.
While we sat on the beanbag and raved about our pink razrs, we saw many celebrities, but I was too lazy to get up to take photos. Haha... Sorry!
After that, I had to get up coz I was interviewed by Newpaper for my comments on MoS (reporter assured me he had nothing to do with the bitch that abused me), so I took a photo of pretty Glenda Chong and her friend, whom I know is a host, but I sincerely forgot his name...

Nice tan!

Eileen and I
After this we decided to abandon our great seat and explore the place.

Eileen was a fantastic guide coz she just went through the media briefing and could tell me all about the little properties of each room.
For example, she pointed, the Taittinger Sky Lounge (even the name also so atas sounding!!! I'm gonna call my daughter Taittinger), which is a VIP room, has a one-way mirror which could let you see into the dancefloor of 54!
Wah lau.
Imagine the poor dancers in 54, you think nobody is looking at you and you check for pi sai in the mirror, then actually those in the sky lounge can see everything. WAHAHA. Well, serves you right for being non-atas, I guess.
As she was explaining I came to the conclusion that the greatest thing about MoS is that it has so many different rooms, suited for so many different tastes...
The main dancefloor is like Zouk... (House and whatever)

If the white thing drops, will it poke people to death?
Smoove like Phuture... (RnB, Hip-hop)

DJ was cute!

Except with airplane seats. (WHAT? I like my pants. So?)
And Pure's for chilling, while 54 is retro...

I swear I wasn't trying to take a photo of those girls. I was trying to take the "54" behind them, and when I uploaded the photo I was like, "Holy smoke, hot twins? What luck!"
Yup. And that's not counting the various other rooms they have. I think I saw at least 3 VIP rooms.
One was not "bouncered" so we went in to explore!

See? I keep taking photos of random pretty girls! I didn't even see the (Indian?) girl's face when I took that shot, I just wanted a picture of the room. She looks very pretty!
Think MoS has a lot of mei nus. That includes me, haha!

The member's area has a frosted door with a strategic window for you to look into at eye level. Subtle. Just enough to arouse the curiousity of the passerby, and enough for the guests inside to feel honoured to be objects of curiousity.
Speaking of atas-ness, because of the extremity of the club's genres, I think it is also respectively more elitist than any other club.
Smoove, on one hand, describes itself (on the website) as an "inner-city ghetto", while Taittinger, well, is "reserved strictly for society's creme de la creme".
From the queue to the VIP entrance to the exclusive VIP escalator(or lift, I forgot), all in all MoS is possibly more discriminating than Zouk is.
Unless you are being discriminated against of course, I think this is possibly a good thing because clubs HAVE to maintain a certain calibre in their clubbers.
For example, would you like to party with foreign workers?
*shudders* (I heard Orchard road was full of them, molesting and spraying our girls!! Grr! Why are we sharing Orchard road with them?! Another entry)
See, you get my point.

(I'm seriously having Freudian syndrome coz I see something sexual in this picture.)
The place where you can see these optic fibre lights is called the "VIP waiting area" coz there is a special entrance for VIPs to the upper levels, and the rest of us commoners go through Smoove or the Main Arena.

Gah! Is it just me, or do the graphics look very phallic indeed?! Get away from me Freud!

Eileen likes them palluses. :D
Some of you might have noticed the fluffy pink monstrosity smack near the entrance of Suntec!
Dashing Diva came to Singapore! It is the nail parlour that hollywood celebrities all go to; Tyra Banks, Christina Aguilera, etc etc.
I walked pass it some time ago, and have been dying to go in!
I was sponsored a nail spa there (for Shuyin as well, the lucky bitch), so of course I must blog about it and review for you all right? Muahahaha! I think about it I also feel happy... My total cost for doing my nails was $250, I was told!
So yes, this is sponsored, but it isn't an advertorial. It is sponsored, but not an endorsement, so there is no need to do anything funny.
In fact, I think from now on I won't want to endorse anything anymore, except lovely Localbrand of course, which loves me for who I am. *touched sobs*

Pink gets me high!

Even the logo looks really diva-ish.
I feel like a diva just looking at it.

Shuyin and I, sitting around waiting on a luxurious pink suede sofa! OMG, I so totally want that sofa, I tell you. I want it for my birthday. Remember!

The interior is shamelessly pink and hits every one of us girls like a anvil. I bet even my grandma will melt! I really want the designer to design my room, can?
We were then told to decide the treatment we wanted, and we both decided on doing the "Spoiled Diva".
I sniffed around the nail polishes, and when I reached the fake nails section, I was seriously mesmerised.
It's nothing like what we usually see in shops. "Tailor Fit", the manager explained to me, is an in-house brand imported from New York, and Dashing Diva is the only place which sells them.
A box contains 32 freaking nails, to ensure you find 10 which will fit you best. The rest, you can give to a friend, or throw them away.
I can't finish describing all the designs so you can possibly walk in to have a look yourself.

I chose a white glittery design, just nice for Christmas! :D It had an almost matching toe design too!

The nail parlour had LCD screens all around, showing MTVs, or modelling runway shows. Very diva! :D
Shuyin and I kept spotting nip-slips on the catwalks. Ha!
There is also a bar in the middle of the room, for serving drinks.

The bartender is cute huh? :p He makes nice drinks too!
No wonder my manicurists looks away, my nails are terrible!

All that massaging felt so good, I tell you!
Shuyin's toenails are too long to fit the tailor fit nails, so she just did a pedicure. -_- Too long, can you imagine?

So freaky, her toes are too long ok!
And now, we move on to fingernails! Finally.

Tailor fit is stuck on by a special glue, so the end result are super beautiful nails almost impossible-to-achieve naturally (you tell me how you stick that glitter manually?!), that will last for around 2 weeks or so before you have to soak them off.

With our very nice drinks!
I had baileys with caramel or something, it was good... *thumps chest*


Still a diva. I insist!

Shuyin's nails


Our toes

Meanwhile, any questions about Dashing Diva, I am not obligated to answer, so please don't bombard me! You can call them. If you want the design I did, just tell them you want the Tailor Fit design Xiaxue had. I think it will look great for special occasions! :)
Here are the menus if you wanna know pricings...

Alright, it's 6am now, and I feel really tired! Pardon me if this entry is boring or not funny, I'm so exhausted.
More soon. :)
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