Many things happened in the meantime, and most urgent of all I should talk about Vibes.
I am honoured to say that Vibes has chosen me to be their blog ambassador for their Charity event, Seek.
Now, students of Temasek Polytechnic has came up with a program like The Amazing Race, in order to raise funds to help the old folks from Lions Home for the Elders to raise funds to buy 2 Bladder scan machines ($5000/- to $6000/- per machine) and an Elderly Care Manikin ($3800/- per unit). I don't think I have to go into sob stories to tell you guys how important these machines are to the old people.
In order to raise that amount, they have to sell tickets for the race. Costing $20 each, the tickets (I feel) far outlives its price as you get free gifts worth more than $30, and a chance to win things like Play Station Portable, IPOD shuffle and two 6.6 mega pixels digital cameras.
The ticket also ensures you will get to take part in the race! Quite exciting I guess, for those siao-reality tv kinda people! I'd be really excited too (have to take part!!!) if not for the fact that, erm, I have no sense of direction whatsoever. And erm, I want to wear heels to run can, I very short. And erm, *whimper* it is not apt to put on make-up? Sigh... But still, it will be fun! I shall stop being a bimbo, haha!
I MUST STRIVE TO WIN! I will get a good partner and not xia suay myself!
Back to the program.
They have also gotten Nicholas Lee, Chua Enlai and Angela May (oooh I get to meet them!) to make guest appearances, and there is a beach party after that!
So yeah lor, go and get your tickets and take part lah! You can see all those celebrities, and plus you get to beat me in the race, how cool is that?
Event: SEEK
Date: 2nd July 2005 (Saturday)
Time: 10.30 am
Fee: S$ 20/- per person (inclusive of admission into Sentosa)
Venue: Sentosa - Palawan Beach
Go go go! Remember that you are having fun while all the money would go to charity. That's a good thing! Because you will have good karma! I remember when I helped at Red Cross I had good karma for a few days after that. Not to mention I met someone there. =D (Wanting good karma is not mutually exclusive with sincerely wanting to do good for society, idiots.)
(Speaking of good karma, just a small digression: I always buy my tissues at $1 for 4 packets from blind/handicapped people selling them. I call these the Good Karma Tissues.
Since these blind/handicapped people don't sell tissues very often, it is rare that I ever have tissue paper on me. Whenever I desperately need them, ie when I spill curry on my white shirt, I dig in my bag, and go like, "HOLY SHIT! I MIRACULOUSLY HAVE TISSUE THIS TIME! I AM BLESSED WITH GOOD KARMA INDEED!" only to realise later that the theory is so warped I don't even know where to start.
Never mind.
Speaking of which, there is this lady in Orchard who seems fine except she is old (50 plus?). She sits down on the road and put tissues in stacks of four. I took up a stack, thinking of buying Good Karma tissues from her.
I gave her a dollar.
She looked up at me frowning, extended her hand and said croakily: "TWO DOLLAR, NOT ONE DOLLAR!"
PUI! KANNASAI! SCHEMING OLD WOMAN! Where got people like that cheat money one! Siao, for every one dollar I earn I must write, like 1.5 words ok! Why should my money go to her, who is not even disabled! Somemore so rude! But say is like that lah, I still kindly gave her the money in silence. See, I am a nice girl ok! BUT STILL! $1 for two tissues! Her tissue made of diamond-studded platinum.)
Back to Seek, paiseh.
CAN YOU PLEASE GO AND GET YOUR TICKETS, NOW NOW NOW before they are sold out, FROM KBOX Paradiz, Clementi, or Tampines?!! Remember, good karma, and you are helping the needy. =) Jorraine says bad karma comes in kg, so the reverse must also be true!
Here's the leaflet:

A small post note: I know there will always be disgusting people who say things like, I bet Xiaxue is only doing this because it will give her fame. Does she really care about the needy? No, she doesn't!
You know what, you are right. I am only doing this for being seen as a ... wooh... celebrity! You people can think whatever you want, or come up with elaborate and flowery intentions you think I have - I don't have a fuck as long as you decide to donate in the end. That is what matters: Getting the machines. Whether or not I am sincere, who cares, as long as those who are in need get help?
Now that should be your attitude too.
Don't like the celebrity invited? Well, don't let the old folks suffer because of that celebrity's flaws - it's not their fault. Charity is charity - why care if it is 5566 or Energy performing, or whether they are doing it sincerely? As long as the stars get the money in, they are doing good, and no one can fault them.(I can go into a long rant about this)
Of course, if you ask me nicely, no, I am not doing this for the fame, but I don't see a need to defend myself for jerks. Just in case you wondered, no, I am not being paid for this, not that I ever expected to of course.
See you guys there!! Those who are *brave, or shall I say foolish MUAHAHAHAHA, enough to challenge me?
*Pretend only, I damn lousy.
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