Day One
28th April 2005
A girl turns 21!
Weeks and weeks before our birthdays (19th and 28th April), Shuyin has been nagging me to book a chalet before they all run out. I ignored her. She got hers at Aloha Loyang... and I was forced to choose Netheravon chalets very last minute at secluded Aloha Changi. It is damn cheap, $155 for Thursday and Friday.
Turns out it is not that bad after all!

Momo was so nice to me. She bought all the BBQ and other items.
Here she is, being the greatest mom, cooking some slices of beef for me coz I said I was hungry. Day One was for celebrations with family, and Shuyin, Weili and Alvin stayed over with me.

I rushed upstairs, to find pretty bedrooms, in pink! Lovely! Very spacious too.

Look, old-school windows! Love them.

Shuyin and Weili arrived shortly after. The specs are damn deceiving. From far, I thought she and Weili were models.
And yes, I know my foundation is obviously too white for my tanned face.
The tiara, courtesy of Daiso (IMM) at a grand price of $2.
Shuyin saw the tiara on Zaobao and said it outlived its value long ago.

A random BBQ pic! Don't you think my mom looks damn cute in this pic? Auntie Santha, our family friend, is chewing a chicken wing, and Jocelyn my cousin on a hot dog. Weili showing us his shiny Adidas logo.

Baby kittens came and we gave them food.

Shuyin and Weili suspiciously disappeared and came back with these! SO SWEET!!
It's jelly with my name on it! THEY FREAKING WOKE UP AT 9AM TO DO IT CAN! SHUYIN LEH! SHUYIN SLEEPS AT 6AM OK! Awwwww. I insult people's religions, I kick random small animals, I laugh at people who fall down and I scold taxi drivers and street surveyors. I only donate to NKF when Fann Wong performs, back in 1998. I don't deserve such nice friends, I don't.

WAH! SALA! Due to some "rushing" according to Shuyin, they got it mirrored. -_-

It's ok, says Photoshop. I will save the day!
I gobbled it up before anyone can notice the mistake.

Ice cream cake, courtesy of my cousin Frankie who is manager at Swensens! My photo with him turned out blur :(

With mommy, di di and daddy!

Making a wish.. Love this pic, my daddy is smiling so happily. Think I would too if my daugther turns 21.

Posing with all the family guests - my godmom and her sister.

My uncle Steven, his wife Susan, with little Vivian, and my uncle's twin (not here)'s wife!

My beautiful cousins Cally and Jocelyn! Michelle not here though. =(

Auntie Santha, Uncle Manual, and pretty daughter Samantha!
They are such kind people. Thanks Auntie Santha for the dispensers!

With mom.

when we were left alone ...

Shuyin helps to prepare the guest corsages for tomorrow's party.
Once again, what do I do without her?
Oh I had to crop off her head coz she blinked and look quite scary, especially when it is Changi we are talking about.
Hang on! Before we begin dismantling the $2-for-two bunches of Hawaiian pink flowers to thread into pink ribbons, how about a dance around Alvin?

I look like an old Chinese sword fighter. No make-up! And I look fine! Must be the tan working. =)

Pretty right? I shall make all my guests wear it, and they have to because it is my birthday!

Alvin Lam helps Shuyin with *gasp* learning how to ride a bike.

And yay!
Shit shit shit. No music player. Bought rose syrup thinking I want to make pink drinks to go with theme, but Alvin Lam and Weili says rose syrup is very "army" and is red, not pink. No good.
Must buy carnation milk.
Shit shit shit, no money to pay caterer.
Triple shit, people are calling to tell me they are bringing Vodka, but do I have my mixers? Will bandung do? Surely not. Must buy Ribena.
Cycles myself to Changi Village with utility bag slinged on me. Was a breezy journey and swift. Forgot I must come back upslope with heavy stuff and $536 (my caterer was Jack's Place) in wallet. Almost died.
Meanwhile, I believe Shuyin and gang were sneakily making some present for me. I walked in on them last night while they were drawing some pink cardboard thingy! I waltzed into the upstairs room, and was like, "Oooh, what's that?!" And it took them a while to notice my existence and Shuyin screamed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" while someone, her or Weili, violently pushed me out with the small of my back.
She bitterly said, "Orh bi, so kpo for what. Don't want to give you already." and proceeded to give me a terrible glare. I almost cried.
Oh my gosh the guests are coming!

60 small champagne plastic glasses, $6, courtesy of the marvellous Daiso.

Changed into pink outfit and tiara!
Noticed the mosquito bite on my neck?
I had, by evening, TWENTY bites (why not 21 huh, huh?! FUCKING MOSQUITOES).
It was damn jialat there. Now I know why it is cheap, the chalet.

Saviour! Wanyi came with mosquito coils!
"Ready or not, let's take photos!" she says.

Tadah! Shuyin and Wanyi generously let me take the limelight by acting like second and first runner-ups (losers! haha!)during a pageant.
And they are in pink!
Whoopee, RV friends arrive!

Xiaoyu, Zhiwen, Kitchiang and Huifen comes!
Huifen called to ask me, "Hey, do I get a prize for being the most pink?!"
"Eh," I replied, "You can't beat Samantha last night! She wore pink skirt with pink top and a pink bag!"
"Yes I can!" said Huifen in considerable excitement. "I am in a pink skirt, with a pink tank top, a pink bra, pink thong, pink nails, and pink birkenstocks! I also went to Tampines specially to buy a pink rubber band! See I am so nice to you!"
I was stumped for words and pretended the charcoal needed tending. Later, I realised her eyeshadow was also pink.

Pink nail polish, courtesy of, duh, Miss Huifen!
She painted everyone within the vicinity of 1 mile, meaning the kitten's nails too.

Wah! Clockwise from left, Kitchiang, Xiaoyu, HF, Zhiwen and Russell!
Xiaofeng, Ghimz, Peiying and Eekean comes! As do Biwen! (thanks for coming alone babe!)

With my favourite lawyer in the world, who wore pink for me - a colour she doesn't even like.

With Dong dong dong dong dong xiao feng!

With Peiying and Ghimz this time round too!
I must say, men who sportingly followed the pink dress code are very nice indeed.
At 6pm, Wong called me, with a certain amount of panic in her voice.
"We cannot find espadrilles at all, WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT?"
I mentioned a loris would do fine, and I think she asked me to go die, precisely one day after my 21st. After a lot of talking, Wong said that since I have a jet-setting lifestyle (which I don't), she'd get me a samsonite luggage.
I am not sure if she was kidding, that girl has serious problems sometimes. So I recoiled in horror and said no thanks. A down payment for my SLK? I gently suggested.
They bah-ed me and put down the phone. I feel a little jittery. What if I get the luggage case?
Thank goodness, it was not. Because it came wrapped in Wong's coat.

The look was the usual one I give them.
They then told me to GUESS what the present was by asking yes/no questions. A few clues:
1) It is more than $100.
2) Colour is irrelevant.
3) It can help you, according to PY, when you are broke and stuck in a country. "A credit card!" I exclaimed, and they chorused, "You wish."
4) It can be bought in only a specific place, but there are many of such places around.
I took around 20 minutes, and couldn't guess it. Biwen did though, but I didn't hear her answer.

Make a wild, wild guess.

An Ezlink card with $100 value inside!
Very duh, but quite brilliant, I must say. =)

Beautiful Biwen!!

Very tall Cedric! He has been my blog reader since the beginning of time.
Note: I was standing on a chair and him on the ground.

Ripple and Huifen (I think) made eclair cake for me!
Coz my mom say its bad luck to celebrate belated, so cannot have cake.

Outside, more people are arriving!

The MAXIM GUYS! Jacque, photographer, Dylan, editor, and Peter, my favourite writer!
Because they were such hardcore alpha males, I had a hard time tying the flower corsages on them.
Apparently Dylan sneakily took his off. EDITORS ARE ALL EVIL!

It looks most unwilling, Huifen!

Oooh! Russell and Kelvin's vodka! Thanks so much guys.
Now this is bad. Who brought the Jim beam? I have no memory. (post note: It is Farid! Thanks!)

My godsis since 1998. Muacks muacks Eileen! Hot pink!

She gave me a handphone ok!

What the.

Kelvin!! One of the best things that came out of knowing Adrian (among other good things lah!). =)
Thanks for offering to drive me around.

And Russell too! So cute right. *pinch*
Never mind.

My RV sec 1 and 2 classmates!

Junhan and Joseph!

Weifa and Jinquan!
Thank you for the present! Which is ...

The same pattern as Shuyin's blouse!
(For those of you who noticed she is wearing the same blouse both days, she actually washed it.)

Shuyin is gone!

Oh there she is.

Jorraine, Jaelle, and Sheryl! My gosh...
Apparently my Little Art Bug Workshop colleagues and boss drove around to different locations to get me the roses in different shades of pretty pink. It is humongous, and I love love love love love love love love them!
VERY TOUUUUUCHED! And I love the Victoria secrets bag too!

One of my all-time favourite photos.

Kinda weird to see your friends all in one room...

Can you all please grow up Ms Chew and Ms Wong! Ms Wong, act like lawyer please!

June came with a PINK present,

And so did Ivan and Eric who rushed down from camp.
So nice of you guys!!
And Adrian, Loon Yang, Ian, Grace, Daniel, Tian and bf, Zenn and Colin all reached at this point of time, so it is...
(Make-up went downhill from here onwards)

Special thanks to the Maxim guys who bought the lovely PINK champagne!

Shaking and pop!


The SQ girl helps...

And done!
I was told to say a speech, and it went like, "Thanks for coming to secluded Changi"
and everyone drinks up!


Took revenge and pour on Wanyi also.
At this point in time, Shuyin, Wanyi and Weili hugged me and said, "We have something for you!"
And they took out the pink "cardboard" thingy and a box from under the buffet table's skirting.
It was so beautiful.
And I just kept crying and crying. Like not tearing? I was sobbing my heart out.

I think several people were quite alarmed, not by the sight of the bdae girl crying, but by the amount of black tears cascading down my cheeks.
I really couldn't stop and didn't care less about the ruined make-up, which Wanyi and Huifen tried, futilely, to salvage.

Stopped crying a bit, for a photo. Isn't it so nice? Referring to the gift, not my make-up.

And the back. My goooosssh.
I went weakly into the chalet to open up the box as instructed. Heard scrapping sound. A LORIS!

The box had a shivelled pine thingy on it, which the box proclaimed is a Venus fly trap.

A bit tough to open...

The first thing that greeted me. Is a capsicum. Yes, a green capsicum, wrapped in plastic wrapping. I doubled over in laughter and threw it at Weili. Apparently, they packed in all the things I dislike, as well as, I hope, things that I actually like as well.
Worse to come:

Tampon and a real onion. A broken whale toy.

Hmmm! Red saucy undies!

A package from Shuyin's cousin, Abbie's mom. Yes, a paper underwear was in the package. How did you guess?

Dug out stuff I like! Adidas "ming-xing-looking" jacket! Which I only lightly mentioned in passing to Shuyin.
I had no idea she heard.

Weili chose the diary of Adrian Mole. Pun, unintended, they say!
Also in the box are cheap shiny Jesus and Mary stickers (on my forehead is Jesus crucified), as well as car stickers - but no SLK, got Lamborghini though.
Xie xie ni men. I really don't deserve such great friends. And they are not the sort they I can be mushy to, so yup, let's just say you guys made my 21st very, very, unforgettable.

From Dylan or Jacque! I shall credit both!
Huifen kept urging me to open hers, and I did!

My fucking god. Holy crap, these are exactly the espadrilles that I wanted.

They are so beautiful, thank you HUIFENNNNNNN!! Hen mei, wo hen xi huan~!! All the way from US!

Russell, Kelvin and Farid (if this is how to spell his name), bought me a record from Felix the Housecat!
I look like the model not?

My cousin Jocelyn's Escada perfume as well as a single piece of her favourite sweet.

June bought me a lovely set of lingerie, WITH A TIGER PRINT NIGHTIE!
Rooarr! Hahaha! Who to wear for sia!

Cedric's sweets.
When I was trying Huifen's shoes, Adrian, who was looking v odd because he was alone and he is almost always surrounded by people (his friends all upstairs), piped up that he would like to share Huifen's present, can or not?
I glared at him. Not that I expect anything in return, but I just spent some cash on the 27th of April (one day before mine that is) for buying him a Gucci keychain (shared with Kel and Russ) AND, as if that is not enough, a very nice Yankees cap to replace his horrid straw one.
I told him of course cannot, and he better buy something nice.
He then hobbled (broke his knee during basketball. All sports are evil) away. I am ashamed to say I glared at his retreating back. He came back, unsmiling and sheepish, with a Givenchy box, flat and toileries-sized. It was navy blue and looked like it contains a men's gift that some random person gave him, possibly even given the day before.
But had to pretend to be nice, so I was like, "OMG U BOUGHT A PRESENT?!" (Actually I was really quite surprised as his acting was quite good when he said he wanted to share Huifen's gift)
"It is a towel," he mumbled, not because he was really trying to mumble but because he always mumbles.
And he passed the corporate-looking box to me.
"I don't want men's stuff!" I said, giving him a woeful look behind my entirely smeared mascara.
"Open it," he mumbled.
And I did, and starting sobbing non-stop again.
The bugger took photos.

It was a full set of acrylic paints.
I once told him, when he was sleeping at Huifen's chalet, that he looked nice when asleep, and that I wanted to paint him.
As per guys who are sleepy, he grunted in response, so I naturally thought he wasn't listening.
And I continued talking, oblivious to his lack of enthusiasm. I said that I needed to buy Acrylics first, and the stupid things cost at least $50 for a full set.
Grunt grunt.
I never thought he was actually listening to me!
And there, on my lap, were the acrylics the cripple had to walk the whole of bras basah to buy. CANNOT STOP CRYIIIIIIIINNNG!!
It's like *sob* someone *sob* appreciating the finer and softer side of me *sob* and forgoing my *sob* usual rude and vulgar self!!!!
Enough. Other guests coming.

Forgot to take photo with Ginny... Hot pink skirt!

A clear shot of the crotch of Peter's Bad Taste Bear Scarlet. Tsk tsk. BUT I LIKE!

Mr Miyagi and mrbrown appears after midnight, holding the soundtrack of 20,30,40! Why so late ah!
Changi visiting ah kuas RIGHT!

Maybe he could be a queen himself?

Can pass!
Ben and Aaron comes damn late after camp!

Ben's and Ivan's and Eric's gift. Ben put so much effort into this. Just look at the amount of pink stuff! I shall be very nice to Ben on his bdae!

Want to smack him! Haha... See the diff between tan and fair me?

My fav sailor Androaaron! Now tan tan like me.

Tian kisses me while Zenn smiles away!

Now my turn!

Thanks for coming all of youuuuuu!! The most important person who linked me to all these people was downstairs on the phone while the pic was taken. Adrian Mah, where were you!?

Oh there he is, getting shocked by something Huifen is saying.

"I didn't say nothing," slurs Huifen.
And here comes Eileen Wee with Abigail!

Wah lau, my make up... This Eileen ah. She made me drink and I get tamade easily drunk lor.

Then we started to play R-O-C-K rock, which consist of continuing a sequence within the beat of two.

Adrian plays to lose. "You know something about beer?" he asks.

I tell you, Eileen and Abi are born entertainers, they are. Abigail was to do a forfeit, and while we were still thinking, she said, "Ok ok, I chew the cards ok?"
And she did. She stuff a lot of cards into her mouth, and then flung them to everyone one by one, like King of Gamblers style.

Those cards were in mid-air. She is DAMN FUNNY.
Ok I am done with this super long blog entry! My camera's batt died, Shuyin's one died, and so no more pics after June left, which is at 4am.
I must say, special thanks to everyone who has helped, or offered to help me with this thing. Esp Zhang Shuyin, Weili, Alvin Lam, Momo, Huifen, Colin and Adrian. It is 716am now, and I desperately need to sleep. Sorry if your photo is missing, some pictures seem to be gone.
:) I am happy.
p/s: Adrian fixed my computer already. It was AVAST'S FAULT and he is a genius for fixing it, and WO CHUO LE! WO ZHI CHUO LE SHI FU! I maligned him for not fixing it, and maligned my brother for spoiling it. =P
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