OK long overdue romantic blog topic: My cousin's ROM.
I've had 3 cousins I am particularly close with all my life - they are Jocelyn & Michelle (sisters; 21 and 18) and Cally (age secret now as is married woman). I don't know if it is my Grandpa's good genes (which unfortunately I didn't inherit), but my cousins all turned out pretty gorgeous, and I had an unfortunate childhood having to play with such damsels and wilt in dark contrast.
So anyway, having said that they are all lookers, it is no doubt that all of them will get hitched one day by the best of the multitude of suitors. Gaah! But I never thought it would be so soon!
When Momo (Mum that is) announced that Cally is getting married, I had this queasy feeling in me. I mean, here is the girl that I've grown up with, the scrawny (when young anyway), big-eyed Cally, MARRIED? Becoming a mother and starting a family??
Pardon me for having a dirty mind and all, but marriage IS associated with sex and I cannot imagine her having sex because I can so remember how she looks like when she is a kid. Yikes!! I'd get pass that barrier; I would.
Cally has been with her boyfriend Jerry for like a million years and naturally it is time for the deed to be done. Wahahhaha! Did I just say it like it is a bad thing? Of course it is not. Will quite see why later:

Woke up at bloody 830am to go the solemnization, with Momo hollering at me. Apparently she tried to wake me up, and I went like, "Ten minutes ten minutes", then flipped over like a dead fish, and she didn't bother about me till half an hour later - which by then we were ridiculously late and I HAD to put on make up.
She woke the neighbourhood screaming that it is all my fault for being a pig, and that we are SO gonna miss Cally's ROM, which is, by the way, once in a lifetime, and do I think the person solemnizing is about to wait for me? You are ungrateful cousin, etc etc.
Yadda yadda she continued on the drive, and then guess what? She stopped to buy char siew pau on the way. -_-
Having reached Fort Canning foul moods cleared (helped by nice char siew paus) as the weather was beautiful and the love in the air simply infectious. Plus, we weren't even late. Pui! Kanna scolded for nothing.
Oh yeah, there was this bride, who is like 50 years old or something and she came in full bridal gear (complete with veil). I mean, if you are ancient and apparently out of place amongst the blooming youthful brides, please don't bring attention to yourself by wearing such clothes. It is not as if you are not experienced enough to know that no one wears wedding gowns to ROMs. -_- Oop! Mean, mean me.

Michelle, Jocelyn, Cally, Me
My bitchy cousin Jocelyn (Jo), immediately, upon spotting ancient bride, ran to my aunties and started gossiping about people. Tsk tsk. Such 3 gu 6 po behaviour.

The solemnization process was a freaking war. The room only allowed 20 people, max, to enter to witness the solemnization, and we had around 30 people; relatives, friends and all.
Naturally some people had to make sacrifices.
Momo started counting and allowing people to go in in accordance to age (aka RANK), and knn stopped short at me. Suay ge lau sai!
I screamed blue murder, and waving my camera around like a mad person, exclaimed that I AM A PHOTOGRAPHER and I AM A BLOGGER which means I am all important and plus she scolded me for nothing just now.
Momo just looked delighted that she herself can go in, and ignored me.
My cousin Jocelyn and I (Jocelyn 1 rank higher) decided that we would rush in NO MATTER WHAT FOR IT IS OUR FREAKING COUSIN'S MARRIAGE AND WE WILL NOT MISS IT.
We strategically placed our asses behind our grandfather's (Rank: 1) and trailed him into the room successfully. Hurrah!
More photos before we move into the room. ;)

Beautiful couple and Ah gong
Please don't be mistaken. Cally is marrying the man on the right, not the one in the middle.
This old man is important. Must place his photo first. The man, for without the essence of we descendants would not exist, is my Ah Gong (grandpa). Is 80+ slightly senile.
Let me digress. Sometimes I think he is faking it. For instance, Jo and I played Mahjong with him. He kept winning.
We were beginning to break down in desperate tears when Jo discovered his secret. According to her, Ah gong's turn was after hers, and he drew a tile, had a quick look at it, decided he didn't want it, and proceeded to put the tile back and chi my cousin's discarded tile.
Jo, whose voice is very loud as it is, announced Ah gong's sneakiness to the rest of the mahjong table and mumbled that no wonder he keeps winning. The rest of us laughed.
Meanwhile, hearing that my auntie and I were laughing, Ah gong looked up from his tiles and smiled indulgently at us (as if the joke is very funny), obviously not hearing a word that Jo has spoken about his cheating.
OMG I think Ah gong is hilarious.

The aunties: Momo, Jo's mom, AUNTIE (now married so is auntie) Cally, and Cally's mum
Ok I should mention Jo's mom, Auntie Lisa, who is very funny also. I cannot stand my family members.
Jo told me that her whole family except her dad had nightmares the night before. Jo dreamt that her boyfriend jumped off a building, died, and his body remained in the jumping place while his soul was at the funeral. -_-
Michelle dreamt of some science fiction thingy.
Jo then urged her mom to tell me about her nightmare, and Aunt Lisa started animatedly.
Apparently, Girl-girl was caught by a dinosaur.
When I asked her who Girl-girl is, she told me it is their family bunny. Jo further informed me that Girl-girl is actually a boy, but they had assumed he is a girl and thus the name. When they realised their mistake, they still called him Girl-girl. I think Girl-girl is a very miserable bunny, to be staying with such a crazy family.
So anyway, back to scary dream.
In my aunt's dream, Girl-girl, although in essence the same animal, had transformed into an elephant.
Now, the elephant Girl-girl was made captive by a fierce T-rex, who held on to him with sharp teeth. Girl-girl was swinging wildly in mid-air as the dinosaur is tall.
There was a crowd below the dinosaur, and all of the crowd was trying to make the giant lizard drop Girl-girl as they think it is very cruel to bite animals like that.
My aunt, who was standing amongst the panicked people, was very surprised that the people tried to make the dinosaur drop Girl-girl. She was thinking, what if Girl-girl drop on to her (being an elephant) and squash her? So she cried, "Girl-girl don't fall down!", as she is very afraid.
End of story.

Me, Jo, Michelle

Cousin Joanna, me, Jo, Michelle

Uncle Johnny with my cousins and auntie and couple
Uncle Johnny to Jo: What are you doing now?
Jo: Accounts.
Uncle Johnny: Why you don't want to be human being want to be a cow?
Jo: ...
Everyone: ...
Did I already mention my family is crazy?

Cally's mom, bride, groom, and Cally's dad.
Do notice how the women are extremely happy while the men have placid smiles.


About to go in!
Inside the solemnization room:

He puts on the ring for her ...

She for him.

Cally: So relieved!

"I pronounce you, Husband and Wife."
Awwwww. I teared.

At this point of time my cousin's friend rushed up to her and passed her a gift. She urged Cally to open it straightaway.
Inside was a white cloth book with "Our Wedding" inscripted in curly silver embossing. A cover for their wedding certificate (as seen in photo)! HOW THOUGHTFUL!
Seeing the sweetness of the bride's friend, Jo and I discussed and concluded that our friends will never be so thoughtful and nice. Therefore, we made a pact to buy each other the same gift on our wedding ROMs, so that onlookers will see us and exclaim, "Such a sweet and thoughtful cousin!"




Proceeded to Goodwood Park Hotel for buffet lunch!


Kickass pasta.

Crazy Jo.

Grouchy Smelly poking food.
Jo was asking Cally about how Jerry proposed, and Cally said that it was just normal discussing and him saying they should get married. And they set the date.
Jo gasped that that was extremely boring and she, no doubts about it, will definitely expect her man to propose in a grand manner (ie kneeling down in front of whole Singapore with 2 carat diamond).
Cally begged to differ and said that she preferred the proposal to be private. What if she didn't want to marry? How was she to reject him in front of so many people? What if she was pressurized into saying yes?
Come to think of it it really makes sense, hor?
So anyway, we were congratulating her on her amazing catch, for Jerry is extremely sweet, mild-tempered, patient, and loves her like crazy.
While the topic diversified into marrying men for different criteria (ie wealth, looks, etc), she sighed and said that she doesn't need all those. If people were to ask her what she wanted from the marriage, she said, she would reply "Just faithfulness."
Yay! My cousin is a married woman!!
Give your blessings to the new couple? Do leave a comment! =)
p/s: Irrelevant comments (ie how fat I look) will be deleted without reasons provided.
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