Frozen strawberries! Beautiful fingernails courtesy of Shuyin.
Lookie what�s inside!

So yummy! The strawberry, succulent and fresh, is half-coated with creamy white chocolate, and the interior of the strawberry is filled with condensed milk � smooth and wet! I like! Oh yeah the ugly nail belongs to me.
And of course, the best thing is that IT IS FUCKING CHEAP!!!!!!!!!! Like, ridiculously cheap! It's selling at three for $1!!! Any cheaper, and it would be Annabelle Chong!
What can you buy for $1? Take a smelly bus ride? Eat half a packet of chicken rice? Go to the Far East toilet five times?
I say, 3 Mos strawberries are more worth your money.

Shuyin takes a bite�

BRAINFREEZE!! What a spectacular Kodak moment.
If anyone has noticed, Miss Selfridge is no longer available in Singapore! Which is good, considering I think Miss Selfridge sucks because the size 6s are forever unavailable (Cmon on, this is SINGAPORE and Asians are more petite. Who the hell would buy so many size 14s?) and it is too expensive anyway.
Replacing Miss Selfridge at the basement of Taka is this shop called Fox, which is pretty good!
Wong the Lawyer says that we should not buy clothes from there because it's from the Middle East, and the only good thing about Middle East is their camels. Actually she didn't say that but that's not the point. She just thinks Middle East stuff is cheap.
So anyway, nobody cared about what she said I bought a nice top from there! $20.
Lookie! It's so Mean Girls - if only I had the blonde hair and big boobs.

That's a pair of shorts, in case you are wondering. And yes, the belly's pierced.

Me with a screwed up face. Duh.

Erm, the pose is a tad too provocative, you think?
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