So anyway, I shall blog about whatever I am reminded of to blog from the pics I took.

Yesterday in the lecture hall, June, no doubt being very very bored, decided to read our sub-standard school magazine, Attitude. We can see that she is very bored coz she read a magazine with such a cheesy name.
Suddenly she gave a large gasp and pointed out an article to me.
"What can be worthy of my attention in that magazine?" I thought to myself. This is what I saw what made June so wide-eyed.

Unless I am very much mistaken, the person Miss Diana Neo (the author and my lecture mate) wrote about is me.
Having the foggy memory I have, I do not remember whether I have been "chided" for using a derogatory term for blacks by Miss Neo (lets call her Nosy Neo) herself, but I clearly remember that someone did comment before that the word I used, which is "Negro", is very rude.
Must have been that incident then, except that in my memory it was Androgenous Aaron who scolded me and not Nosy Neo.
Well, I personally think that the person who claimed that "Negro" is derogatory is raving mad. I took Literature in sec school see, and I had plenty of books done on racism (Walkabout, To Kill a Mocking Bird etc). My Literature teacher, a person very much against racism, told us that it is rude to use the word "nigger" to describe blacks, but "negro" is perfectly fine.
If only people would stop acting so sensitive over such things just because it is a "sensitive" issue. It is thoroughly silly to scold ur schoolmate for:
1) A term she used which has no special meaning.
2) A term she used which has no special meaning, which the imagined insulted person did not hear at all.
3) A term she used which has no special meaning, no harm done, and nothing to do with you at all.
The word "negro" by itself done not contain any connotations in it except for the fact that it is discribing a certain race. If anyone feels that it means something rude, well, it is the person's own perception of the word, and thus, it is only the person who is being racist, not me.
So anyway, I confronted the Nosy Neo today after school to ask her if she was writing about me. She replied that she wasn't talking about me, but when I asked her who was she talking about, she clammed up and could not answer.
Furthermore, there was indeed a person leaving a comment to tell me what a bitch I am, blah blah, and ended the sentence with "I'll see you in school tml!". Must have been Nosy Neo I guess.
June and 3 other coursemates agreed that she sounded totally phoney when she denied that she was writing about me.

As if the whole article wasn't already written in a vindictive tone, Nosy Neo had to complete it with the above picture's words. (Think she has something against bloggers).
1) What the fuck is a bear world?
2) As I have mentioned before, naturally I have a life, coz MY BLOG IS ABOUT MY LIFE, and if I dun have a life, how am I gonna write the blog?
3) Just because I only live it once is not any reason for me not to waste it. I waste it in anyway I want, and it is none of your business, Nosy Neo!
Well, I'm quite pissed with Nosy Neo. Firstly, she came to spam my comments board with childish comments. Then she has a problem with my opinions, which does not concern her in the least bit. 3rdly, she is just plain disgusting when she told the big lie about the article being about another person. How cowardy.
It seems that Nosy Neo herself is not so popular! A few of her classmates I interviewed said she is v much disliked, and some mentioned that she has a problem with everybody.
Yup, I certainly agree with that.
Perhaps, Miss Nosy Neo as you read this, you would like to consider how interesting your life is before teaching others how to live theirs? Also, just because some people blog, it doesnt mean that they do not have a life. Blogging may take up some of my time, but no, I do not sprint home everyday just to blog. You are heavily deluded.
Clara's bf, Ivan, said that Nosy Neo is angry with me coz I am taller than her. I told Ivan patiently that almost everyone is taller than Nosy Neo. In fact, I think she is the shortest in our course. Ivan said that Neo is angry because if I had been a wee bit shorter, Neo would not have to be the shortest in the course.
Makes perfect sense to me! Perhaps thats what Miss Neo is so pissed about (since I have never spoke a word to her) to make her hate my blog so much.
While Ivan was laughing his head off I noticed something.

Ivan has HAIR ON HIS EARS!! To my surprise, the hair actually is grained upwards instead of downwards, which is what I expected.
He is not the only weirdo among my coursemates.

Idris' skin is highly stretchable! Thats Shuyin's fingers of course. The first picture a little disturbing ah... Sorry, I couldnt resist posting up the nipple pulling.
Today I was waiting in chamelon (accessories shop) with June while she chose rings to buy. Getting a little impatient, I started to bring all the red scrunchies in the shop to show her coz I told her she must buy one to match our Mitsubishi red uniform.
This is June's favourite red scrunchie, the furry one at the left:

June loves furry red scrunchies!!! Buy her one today! I accept PayPal!
-Nosy Neo the Nincompoo narrates numbskull nasty narrations-
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