Ready or not here comes a super photo-heavy post!!!!!! From my ROM day!!
I was so happy that day coz everything just went so perfectly! Had a crazy time photoshopping all the piccies coz in every picture my smile is just like XD and my lower teeth are just horribly crooked. -_-
Forlino had these
GORGEOUS ceiling-to-floor glass windows which let in the sunlight perfectly for the photos! (And great for the view also lah but I'm not a big fan of views - I'd rather look at a perfectly lit photo of me LOL)
Nonetheless everyone really went all out and when I was a kid I didn't dream of my wedding day but if I did, it wouldn't have been far from this. :)
Photos taken by
Douglas Fun (yes his name is so cute!) from
AVENUE 8 and
Joan Leong from
JOAN LEONG PHOTOGRAPHY. Joan's photos have a JL logo on them. The rest by Douglas!
Obviously photoshop by me. If you think the photo comes with a vintage colouring, it's done by me. Some are also cropped by me. :D
For original unphotoshopped photos you can click
HERE and
HERE. I mean for whatever reason you wanna see me fat and ugly lah can go ahead but I don't see why you would want to. I mean fat and ugly people are everywhere anyway, not exactly a rare sight.
POPPY floral studio, our florist,

Look at the vines and bouquets everywhere!
They came early in the morning to set up, and the first thing I saw when I entered Forlino? Poppy staff twirling vines around the banister. Crazy!
You know, I've always thought that flowers were not very important when it comes to weddings
BUT THEY REALLY ARE!!!!!!Without them the romantic FEEL just
ISN'T there!
Can you imagine all the tables barren without the flowers?
And it really isn't easy to come up with different floral designs to fit different themes!
I totally didn't have any creative input in how Poppy did their floral design but WOW! Freaking perfect. Crazy generous too! It was just a pity that those flowers only was in the public eye for a few hours.

Every bunch is different! :)

And here's my bridal bouquet! :D

The centerpiece for the VIP table is
GINORMOUS. Soooo beautiful!

favour. So adorable! Inside were little Italian cookies. Delicious!

And of course, our
Mobster Menu. :D

Wedding planners Vernetta and Lois from
Eternally Yours arrived way earlier than me (8 am) to prepare. Poor Vern was in crutches (missed a step and fell down) somemore lor!!

Rose from Mosche doing my hair. :)
I think she did a great job!!!
She also, out of niceness, did Mike's and Momo's hair. Love!

Mike trying to handle his own scarf but really most men aren't very good with such things! lol
Showing Rose where I want my fascinator. (Yes that type of hat is called a Candy Man Fascinator! I swear!)

Momo and Mike... Looks like a magazine shot lol

Gotta love Junnybaby!! Silly Wongsie was supposed to come early together with Shuyin and perform helping/registration duties but the night before she ate a week old durian puff and fell tragically sick.
So Wongsie couldn't come early and I asked Junne instead. She readily agreed and coz she stays near me, came to my place and the three of us rode on Laopokasaurus to Forlino together!!
She woke up at 7.20am, even earlier than me! (7.30am, bolted awake) LOVE!!
Oh and on top of all these, as seen in the photo above, she went to buy food for all of us coz I said I was hungry!!

Adjusting adjusting


I started to help Mike with his scarf but decided I'm incompetent and let the expert do it!

So here's Keith (who designed and made my gown) helping with stylist duties early in the morning just coz he is THAT NICE!!
He totally didn't need to but helped me throughout the day with adjusting my dress etc etc.

And done!
Perfect! Francis would be proud. LOL

Love this mad cute photo of Mike caught eating a cookie!

As Joan said... Crackberry addict! Can't and won't stop.

Here's BFF and Keith helping me stick double-sided tape all over so I won't zao geng!

Momo, who might just have been even happier than me that day.
My pretty nails!! Encrusted with Light Siam Swaroski crystals and done by myself!

Forlino's corridor. So classy!!
In fact, when I first stepped into the place I was so bloody impressed I could have just fainted!!
I don't know if they adjusted the lighting for me or what but the staircase was romantically dim with shattered spotlights... The walls were dark and the interior design was so classy and sleek. I really felt like I was in a vintage dream! A vintage MAFIA dream! Totally felt like I was the gangster boss's wife!
Hiyah I'm just yabbering stuff here but once you go to Forlino (and you should! Their food has crazy good reviews, just google!) you'd totally understand lah. Their staircase is awesome! Totally set the mood.
I am officially a big fan of Forlino! For every wedding anniversary from now on, Mike and I will go dine at Forlino's!

Keith being interviewed!

Our rings... Mismatched one coz Mike's skin colour suited the rose gold the best.

Dunno why people gave us angpows man when it's totally not necessary for ROM lah!! (somemore so paiseh it's sponsored.)
So I net gained like 700 bucks for my ROM. -_-
Biggest angpow from Boss Ming who paid for a room in bloody Capella (like the freaking best hotel in Singapore or something man) for us at $549!! We had a fucking fantastic time there!! Tytyty!! I took pics... Next entry!

Super funny photo of Shuyin looking perplexed as she does Junne's hair.
Btw Shuyin
DESIGNED AND SEWN her own dress (!!!) and did her own hair, 20s marcel curls style!!
I think she trying to outdo Keith. LOL!!
Howard, who was the first to arrive because he saw my tweet that latecomers will be barred from entry and was quite scared. HAHAHA

Shuyin taking her job really seriously

That's creative! :D

Mad love this photo of the girls! So chio!!

My cousin's daughter Chloe! Cutie

Also (another) cousin's daughter, Enya!

Chloe again

Kate (Enya's sister) showing off her pretty dress!

My pretty cousins (played with them all the time as kids!) and my Auntie Lisa. Love!

Wearing my gloves

Gillian, who brought toy guns to add to the Mafia theme!

I think I lack a menacing air.

Ripple and Sheng Rong sneaking in to give hugs. Ripple just got married herself and I went to her wedding (see ring) and I still have not posted the photos! Mad lazy!
The groom looking majorly handsome. Can you believe I married this guy?? DUUUUUDE! Must have done shitloads of charity last life.
Munkysuperstar girls attaching my microphone for me. I've come to associate microphone attachment with all important events in my life.
Daddy being interviewed by Charlene, TNP reporter. Aw I dunno where the story went to. Oh well. I blame cb Jack Neo. Can't that whore Wendy Chong like confront him a few days after my wedding?? But nooooo... MUST. HOG. HEADLINES.

Maternal side family table. It's dominated by females. LOL

Raine from Nuffnang taking an artsy photo. I've noticed that photographers love taking photos of photographers taking photos. It's like poetic justice* or something.
*Yes that was a joke obviously I didn't use poetic justice correctly.
Serving staff of Forlino. Their service is
FUCKING IMPECCABLE!!!!!Obviously I only had service from the VIP table lah but I heard from all other friends they were crazy attentive!!
Incident 1) Friends swapped tables. Staff remembered, still, exactly who wanted beef and who wanted cod!!! Crazy or what!
Incident 2) Cousins needed baby chairs for kids and Forlino didn't have any but went to somewhere to borrow!!!
Incident 3) REFILLED appetizers when they were empty (!!). I mean refilling drinks ok but appetizers?! Really went all out man!!!
Incident 4) When my risotto with lobster came I saw that my lobster piece is smaller than Mike's. This is a long standing joke between me and him and we always gloat over who gets bigger portions.
So I told (I presume) the captain (cute Indian guy with turquoise tie) that Mike's lobster piece is bigger than mine and I'm sad!
The manager smiled at me and said that's because my main course will be bigger than Mike's. Everybody laughed and I told him I was (obviously) just joking.
Five minutes later he came back and dropped a ginormous piece of lobster onto my place. I hastily told him he really doesn't need to do that and he just smiled and said it's my big day and I get what I want!!!
Somemore later on I realised that my original lobster piece is actually bigger than Mike's coz half of it was hidden inside the risotto. -_- Comparison fail.
15/10 stars for Forlino's staff!!
Love this awesome photo of Keith and Clarence (Lee, who is the best make up artist in sg). If you are lucky enough to know the two of them together they have the power to make you look fucking gorgeous!!! LOLOL
Just imagine if you are stuck on deserted island with both of them you'd have gorgeous island clothes (I am presuming Keith will sew banana leaves or something) and gorgeous mineral make up made of dried clams or something (I am presuming Clarence will know how).
You'd be the most gorgeous Lost babe! LOL I'm talking so much nonsense. You may argue that when trapped on a deserted island
looks should be of low priority but that's coz you have not considered that
1) There might be a handsome island guy who might just be the love of your life...
2) When rescue team comes there might also be a media frenzy and you won't have time to make up/dress up before being interviewed.

Ripple and Shengrong being amused by the bridal table centerpiece.

Elise (from Nuffnang) and Lionel,
the designer of this blog skin you are seeing, signing the book.

For someone so artistically inclined Lionel's handwriting is horrible.

Mike smiling to himself while being interviewed.

What did I say about Forlino's windows?? Mad gorgeous!
Almost felt like we were dining Al fresco but with a perfect temperature!

Dad, bro and my favourite grandparents.

Keith and Clarence amusing Vernetta


Meanwhile I was in the room, waiting for guests to arrive... I had to be hidden!

Mike's outside talking to guests

And inside adjusting his clothes

Rozz snapping pics as usual

Finishing touches


Dad giving me away

Witnesses in matching red, marching in and looking smashing together. I didn't know my mom and shuyin got so much chemistry in being matchy matchy, lol.
Shuyin was registration girl, ring bearer (if that's what the person passing the rings is called) and witness that day. Mad busy.
Reciting vows. Feels stupid!! LOL... Must put up right hand to swear and all!! Then amputee with no right hand how?
THIS is supposedly fucking delicious but I didn't get to eat it coz I was taking pictures with everyone!! Sad max.
Mike with his friends Ming + Jivesh giving their best impression of Italian dudes. LOL
Aw the boys look
SO GOOD in their suits!! Men dressed up really makes such a big difference!
I find it very funny I was obviously trying to get Junne's attention in this photo but she plainly ignored me. Hmpf!

Ghimz and Xiaofeng amused by dunno what.

My brother looking handsomely bored. LOLOL

Mom and Dad

LOVE this photo! So cute!!
People forced me to qiao my ass up to take a photo. Ok fine they suggested it and I did it to camwhore.
Parma ham is salty and melts in your mouth... Melon is super sweet, juicy, and the fight of sweet + salty just gives the perfect explosion in your mouth!
Sounds terrible but anyone who have tried parma ham + melon will tell you it's as good a combi as PB and J. No,
Buffalo cheese and tomatoes. Again another winning combination!

All guests were given a big huge piece of buttered salted bread!

For those of you wondering where Mike's family were... That's his mom chatting with us all the way from USA on the phone. :D
And it was sooooo sweet coz a lot of Mike's relatives were watching us from Ustream, LIVE! It's almost like they were there. Mike was pretty upset his family were not around to share the joy that day but he felt much better know his family could watch + talk to him on the phone. :)
They didn't come because it's just the ROM and not the actual wedding... And we didn't think it was economical for them to come with plane tickets priced at $2,300 each.
Mike and I are also planning to have a small wedding over in USA in April when we go back so yup! (still in the midst of discussion)
Yet another satisfied client of Eternally Yours... Thanks Lois (in white/black) for being so meticulous and even speaking to my grandparents in Cantonese to ease them up!! Xoxo

The cod was the BEST BEST BEST codfish I've ever had, and I've had quite a few.

And here's the beef.
It's so funny coz everyone who had the beef said the beef must definitely be nicer than the cod and whoever had the cod is convinced the cod is better!! Maybe both are perfect! LOL
Weird right? Anyway totally loved the beef's mashed potato. The truffle flavour is explosive!

With good friend/mentor/boss Gillian who seemed to also be very happy that day.

Ustreaming LIVE!

Our dessert. The panna cotta was particularly fantastic, but everything else was fab too!

With Lois, Douglas and Vern! Thanks Doug for coming so early and snapping so many gazillion photos tirelessly!! I love the attitude!!
I only have praise for Avenue 8. If you wish to use their photographers, I HIGHLY recommend Doug!!
(I wonder who took this photo)

This photo is so funny! The speech bubbles should go like this:
Vern: "BOOBIES! I grab them!"
Me: "But why would you do that they are just fats."
Vern: "Rawr!!!"
Actually I have no idea what we were talking about.

This is proof that I'm funny. LOL!! K and C I love you two lah!! xoxo

Me with Ashley and Jessica. I love all my filming sessions coz they are so fun and positive to hang out with!! XOXO
Rozz and Gillian with the classic "act serious" face. Everytime she does that I wanna laugh my fucking ass off.
Eekean examining my skirt... I spot Keith doing explaining!! He very proud of his skirt lor LOLOLOL

That's my expression when I accuse people of doing unspeakable stuff.

Mommy amused

Bryan (Gillian's husband) with a very chio blurry Gillian. LOL
Ending this post with the most shocking person of the day...
WHO ELSE BUT WONGSIE???She normally dresses very androgenously but in, according to her, an effort to look even more attention seeking than me she
WORE A SLUTTY DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!Good god I haven't seen her in a dress since River Valley days where our school uniform was a dress. WOAH!
And here she is in
HEELS (!),
POSING DEMURELY!! *dies of shock*
CLEAVAGEY photo for you perverts out there! See, I will love you as long as you are a reader, pervert, paedophile or murderer!! Plus it's not everyday you'd see lawyerly cleavage.
I'd be doing up another pre-wedding post after this!! But once again thanks to all my
FABULOUS sponsors!! :D
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