But just to compensate, here's like a deluge of photos... May not be very substantial but I think at least quite interesting and got a few eye candies :D
Very random!

With Rozz

With Rozz again! This time with the fabulous food we had in Secret Garden. Yummy! Just got my hair dyed at Kimage too! Ash blonde. Love it!

Mike, staying at my place this time. :D

Rozz and boyfriend Joey brought the angmoh to eat at JB!
So nice right the food? The drunken prawns was especially fabulous lor! It's at some god-forsaken kelong though, super far in and damn scary.

Chio! Cropped Mike away so I get all the attention.

Made this myself! Been playing a lot of mahjong so I better start keeping track who I lose my money to!
And I know I drew the bird very ugly lar ok, it's supposedly beside the fa and the jiu shuo, which are also pretty unrecognisable. Bah!

Hehe this is how yi shuo should look like!
I bought it to hang on my emergency pouch coz it is my lucky 3-time 13 yao winning card! I love puffs, I put them everywhere! Fluffy and soft....

And inside the pouch!
Pantyliner wrapping a tampon and tied in a pink ribbon, eyelashes holder, Blink eyedrops, perfume, and also a rubber band for tying hair! I love my pouch! :)

Bought this at Taka! Isn't it cute? Can put whatever photo you want inside, and got diamond somemore! Only $6.90.

Why do people keep asking me what the B is for? Not obvious meh, BOMBSHELL LAR!

Mike is amazed by Sakae Sushi's conveyor belt thingy.
He likes Mos too!
Brought him to Sentosa!

Underwater World touchpool

With fishies

Sea Angels!
They are really stupid, keep getting tumbled and blown around the tank by some wind at the bottom! Hahaha! But they are really cute, they flap their fins like wings!

Hello, this is a damn skinny crab lor!

Waiting for the Dolphin show to begin...

I can see myself in the sunnies!
The baby eating Ramen at Ajisen...
Mont Blanc 100th Anniversary Party
Rozz invited me to this, and it is the most glam party I have ever been to! Look who was there!

With Rozz

Tanya Chua!

May and Choy, with Eliza and Rozz!
I don't know who is the girl in white actually...

Pulled poor Mike into the picture...

With Janice - model! Damn these tall people!


Debbie and Shan
Party was at Civic Plaza, and Mont Blanc booked two huge tents and a stage!

Show's starting...

FIREWORKS! They really generous ah, these Mont Blanc people... Confirm super expensive party...
Plus they had like loads of Mediacorp artistes who came to attend the party, and what I heard is that these artistes don't come to any party unless you pay them a fee!

Fashion show, which is utterly useless for their pens and watches... I think.

Took a photo with the very pretty Michelle Chia...
And most exciting of all....

Stefanie Sun!
I was asking her manager if I could take a photo with her, and when she saw me, she said, "Hey, you are that blogger right?"
Oh MY GOD STEFANIE SUN READS MY BLOG! Or at least heard of it lar! I am SO FAMOUS LAR! Think I will die happy now. :D
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