Childish. I look down on you, you fucking loser school. Get a freaking life, wimp. Wooo you cannot insult me! You say I fat! I cry! I commit suicide!
Abusing your fucking power, isn't it? Oh, I speak some opinion about you, you go suspend me. Just because you have the fucking power to. What kind of reasoning is that?
Zhang shi qi ren. Petty.
Teachers can say students are stupid - they do it all the time. Hell, my primary school teachers even SLAPPED students.
And students cannot say their teacher is a bitch? (one student did, and she got suspended, according to my reader)
Get this: Back in RV, Mrs Look even warned my classmates not to get close to me, because she told them I was a bad influence. Wow, targetting my friends and my social circle in school? Under the fucking white RV school belt, that is. If you want to get me to change, you don't threaten me with my friends, ok? (In case you are interested my friends hack-cared her)
If she did that, I cannot write on my blog what she did? Sue me for defamation? Go ahead... I have my witnesses, and it was a fair comment.
Hell, I even have the event recorded in my old school diary:

Click to enlarge, and Shui Xiang was my ex-bf.
Why, scared people find out the truth about your actions is it?
Wanna fight back? You fucking fight like a man, and go set up your own blog and defend yourself.
What is with this "suspending" and commanding people to close down their blogs? What gives you the rights to threaten people like that? It is clearly an abuse of the power you have.
I've gotten many mails from my teenage readers, telling me what their schools did to them when they wrote some stuff about school on their blogs.
One got suspended (yes, it has been happening since a long time ago)... Another wrote something about her getting depressed (about just ONE event), and the school forced her to close down her blog. The principal printed out her entries, made her do corrective work order, and even sent her for counselling. WTF! Siao ah?
Don't you crazy-ass people know that the fucking studying environment is very stifling?
You close down this little outlet of venting for our teens, and may they, because they didn't siphon out their pains in the form of writing a harmless blog entry, burn your fucking school down in a fit of anger. Ha. How worth it.
It is one thing to stop bloggers from writing irresponsible remarks about race and trying to generate hatred in the society. The law is supposed to protect the weak.
But what about when you are clearly in the superior position?
You are a principal. You are older, wiser, more mature, and more rational then your feather-brained students. Why abuse your power to attack these kids? Lowering yourself to their positions, isn't it? Aren't you supposed to be just a tad more magnanimous?
If you don't like what they wrote, you bloody go confront them, and clear things up - like what normal people do.
Don't fucking abuse your position and power.
It gets me so angry when people do that!!!
Sure, students shouldn't write defamatory (by defamatory I mean untrue) things about schools. That surely is wrong. It is a civil case, so go sue the student! Why are you ruining his whole education by taking away his chance to study? He paid for your fucking teachers to fucking teach him, ok? If he fails his As because he missed that few weeks of lessons, who is going to compensate him, and his future? Who?
Yeah companies fire people who blog about them. Sure they can do that - they are paying the employee, and it is stupid to keep feeding an employee who is disloyal to the company. What excuse do schools have? What, I pay to study in your school, and I cannot complain about it?
But never mind that. Now we all know what bullies Singapore schools are. Sure, whatever. Students will keep their mouths shut from now on. Nobody can say anything bad about you. Only you can do whatever you want. Fucking bullies.
Though I must say, silencing students is not that easy nowadays... Don't you know that students are very rebellious? I foresee many more anonymous blogs mushrooming up, just because you decided to stifle our youths. Don't let me write, I write even more. Good luck dealing with that. :)
(Just a tip to students. When your school ask you to close your blog, you set up another blog account [with a new, anonymous email of course], and you copy the entire contents inside. Email the blog link to the school's biggest gossiper. When the school asks you why your blog is still around, you say bua bodoh and say, I dunno leh, I delete already, someone copied the contents and put it in that website, and I cannot remove it coz I am not the author mah!)
Just one more thing I am pondering about ah... ST says that teachers can sue, as long as it affects their "livelihood"... And that some fucking Union will back them up...
So if I say a teacher is a slut who fucks students... She gets fired (because she did fuck students, and somemore it is the chess club president!!! LOSER!) and thus it affects her livelihood... Then she is no longer a teacher what, why should the Union help her leh? If she doesn't get fired (since schools apparently sympathise with their stuff over students), then theoretically no "damages" are done - you sue lan jiao?
I don't wonder why our kids are all aiming for an overseas education. Can you imagine Harvard threatening to sue a student because he said "Frustrated old spinster. Can't stand to see attractive girls"?
I don't know about you, but I cannot... It just doesn't seem like the juvenile way Harvard works. I don't know for sure though, the professors there can be prudes sometimes!
p/s: What have your school done to students who blogged bad stuff about them? Say it loudly here, because we all want to know. Though, please do not mention school names - I also don't wanna get sued, for something I cannot even verify.
Postnote: It annoys me that people don't get my point all of the freaking time! About this blog entry, it is not about whether students should, or should not blog about their schools. That's their freedom of choice, and it has also been discussed to DEATH. My point is simply that schools should not ABUSE their position of authority to punish students for something personal. ABUSE OF POWER. THAT IS NOT FAIR PLAY. Geddit?
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