Warning: A CRAZY AMOUNT OF PHOTOS! It is so much, it will suck up all the bandwidth in the world, leaving a void meaningless black hole behind. Escape now if you are one of those backward people with limited bandwidth per month!
Let's snigger at those backward people now since they are gone. =D TEEHEEHEE SO LOUSY. Nowadays there are still people using a 56K MODEM?!
Well about the trip. I think KL sucks. It sucked because of the bloody KL-ians (Kenny say I cannot assume all Malaysians are like that and Kuching people are not like that so I cannot use the word Malaysians) are a bunch of rude, uncivilised, ti ko (for men) and worst of all,
DISHONEST people. Well, at least those I saw anyway. I've never seen a city of citizens so fucking horrible before. Is it only the sale stuff who are like that? I certainly hope so. The Malaysians I know are certainly not so bad.
The KL taxi drivers are the worst. I FUCKING HATE THEM. They are so dishonest!
Once they know you are not a local, they bloody cheat your money by stating ridiculous prices for cab fares. And I am the sort who CAN haggle. Get this: A trip around the distance of Orchard to maybe Newton... They have the fucking cheek to charge RM20 you know! That is like 10 sing dollars. THEY CAN KISS MY ASS. Hell I will pay that siao amount of money. Do I have "stupid" printed on my forehead?
Chao cabbies. Singaporean cabbies are angels compared to them. Yes our fees are expensive too, but at least our diesel is not dirt-cheap. Singaporean cabbies earn a decent living and most of them do take you to your destination by the shortest route.
Well, I took a rare honest cab to Petaling Street from the hotel, and it was RM3.60, going by meter. When I wanted to go back, the cabbie charged me RM20! CHAO AH KUA! I am so ANGRY! When I said he is being siao, you know what he did?
HE SCOLDED ME SOMEMORE OK? I said RM5 to go back, he say I am out of my mind. When I said the meter only stated RM3.60 when I came, he scolded me and said it is impossible. SO I DREAMT IT IS IT?
And he refused to drive me. You know why?
COZ OF FUCKING STUPID TOURISTS ALL KENA CHEATED BY CAB DRIVERS WILLINGLY. They don't need the business of the locals or the smart tourists! Hate stupid people.
In the end, I managed to find a cab going by meter. WAH HE DAMN SHIOK! There was no jam, and the trip back cost RM9.60! Very smart ah, bring me around the city right?
I HATE YOU KL CABBIES!!! They are so evil!
KL sucked also because the things there are not cheap. Unlike HongKong or Thailand where price are so low they rock your socks, KL is almost the same price as Singapore. Even in Petaling street where things are supposed to be cheap, they are not.
A fake branded bag costs... $50 sing? And you know what? It is not even the AAA grade kind Shen Zhen sells. You can get a bag in Shen Zhen for S$20, and it is of SO MUCH BETTER QUALITY. Once again, these B-grade luxury goods sellers thrive on the naiveness of tourists. Damn.
Ok let's continue with the photos, I'll complain more as we go along.
Shuyin stayed overnight at my place and we boarded the coach at 8am.

Whose passport is she looking at?! LET ME SEE!

It's Idris'! So cute last time, why now like that ah?

That's me getting comfy on the coach ride there. Shuyin and I only slept 1 hour the night before, and we intend to concuss on the trip. =D

Two of us...

Must wear specs then look like road trip! 8)
Obviously, for the next 4 hours there weren't any photos because I was dozing like a log. Until...

We checked in a Prince's Hotel & Residence (paiseh, it is not Crown Prince, my mistake).

Idris and Shuyin waits while V (Idris' friend who wishes to be anonymous. Sigh, I am recently really kinda irritated by people with such absurd privacy issues) helps do up the admin work. So kind of him to let us all stay for free!
We proceeded to have lunch, where we were shocked to realise that KL's foodcourts were actually MORE EXPENSIVE THAN SINGAPORE'S.

Tuppy with our shared bowl of bleeding prawn dumpling thingy, costing around S$3. A BOWL OF SOUP DAMMIT!

Being the rich tai tai she is, Tuppy is rather upset that LV is closed.

Times Square is very high up! God I am so artistic. Isn't this shot nice?

We settle for dinner after a long shop around Lot 10 and Times Square. Tuppy's and my bangles pile up while Idris stares on in puzzlement of why girls are so troublesome.

We are very tired...
All I bought was a white pair of espadrilles (yay!) and a pair of nice Old English kinda stockings!

Check it out! Times Square has a indoor rollar coaster! Prices are bound to be exorbitant so we didn't even go to that level.
And it is the Monorail to Maharajalela for Petaling street! God I was so excited about that place.

KL monorail is SOLD OUT. Every station is sponsored by a brand and the whole station will be plastered with the brand's ads. Maharajalela (I LOVE THE NAME!)'s is Great Eastern Life.

Tuppy and I with old-school MRT cards!

I love this photo!
From right, Tze Hao, Idris' campmate, Daphne, Tze hao's girlfriend. They look very gleeful ah! When people trying to take candid shot the vain Tuppy go and pose, somemore so act cute one. Sorry ah Idris, I accidentally cut off your face.
After we alighted we still didn't know where the damned street is, so we asked people. This raceless copulator just stared at me (in a rude manner) when I asked him politely! GOT SUCH PEOPLE OR NOT YOU TELL ME! If I got a GIRAFFE with me I surely hit him with the GIRAFFE.
He then walked right past me when I was still asking, and proceeded to periodically glare back at me. What, I killed his mother ah?
Maybe he was an ominous foreboding, because here comes the scum of society:
Welcome to Petaling Street, where if you ain't cheated, you didn't come here yet.

Don't be fooled by the Singapore Pasar Malam disguise, our PM vendors are not that skilled in rudeness and dishonesty yet. Not without ten years of training.

The B-grade imitations. Not worth buying.
Speaking of this fucked up street, girls going there really have to beware. My advice is not to go at all.
Well, I got molested.
This Chinese guy walked past me, delibrately close, and brushed his arm very hard against the diameter of my whole left boob.
I don't know why I did that, but instintively I turned back and smacked him hard on his retreating back. I wanted to kick him or pull his collar but I didn't dare at that point in time. Well, I wasn't protected by our local police, and I have no idea how full of justice Malaysians are (I suspect not at all).
My boob felt so dirty after that (although I was wearing a bra and a top). Shuyin had Idris protecting her... Daphne had Tze Hao. I had nobody and I got molested! I am so ke lian! Feel like crying. I also want my boyfriend to protect me from these people leh... It is super irritating that I cannot do anything about him taking advantage of me like that.
As if the molesters are not enough, the vendors are mostly, like 90%, male. They are either young bengs, or bangalas. I don't know if they are really bangalas but they look like they are.
Well these stupid guys are pretty offensive as well. They wolf-whistle, ask for your name, your number, etc, and one even commented (to hearty sniggers among his vendor friends, the cretin)that Tuppy's skirt is very short.
Urgh. Are they stupid or what? Don't they know that if they behave like that clients will just be very turned off?

Tuppy and Tzu Hao buys t-shirts - which are quite cheap.
We had supper! =)

Very nice chendol (S$1.50 - not cheap hor)

Lala! I love lalas. Shuyin also love coz she is lala (labom!) I think this is 6 sing dollars. A bit cheaper.
I am very poor thing coz I can only eat a bit bit as I had that shoot on Tuesday. =( Plus I got molested. Damn that tit still feels gross.
And so we all slept.
Bright shiny day! So long since I last woke up in the morning! KLCC WE COME!!

Woot! No more haze!

KL's fire extinguishers are yellow. So cute! I love the shape of this kinda ... WAIT. This is not a fire extinguisher! SHIT! What is it called??! I suddenly forgot.
Is it water something? Oh dear. Never mind, it shall be called a Fire Kenny for now, because it is shaped like Kenny! Not Sia Kenny, OMG-they-killed-Kenny Kenny lah. Don't you think it looks like? If Kenny were to be life-sized, I imagine it looks like this. =)
And look! It is sprayed yellow AFTER it is planted on the ground!

Singaporean girls on Malaysian land

V said that the Arabs were having some sort of holiday, and so KL was FILLED TO THE BRIM with them! Very funny. They are not hot meh? Even when eating they have to not let down the black mask.
I was very amused by the Arabs smoking shisha. And oh oh! How they do swimming?
Shuyin likes the short guy at the back. She say very handsome.
KLCC is just like Taka. It is so boring, all the big brands are there, being ridiculously priced. I wanted to buy Mac eyeshadows, since Malaysia is supposed to have having some sale, but guess what?
It costs S$26 - more expensive than Singapore's $25.
And I despise Malaysia's "sale". It is miserable and once again, another cheating gimmick. SALE? Give me a break, Malaysia. Have you seen Singapore go on sale before? When we say sale, we mean sale. Like 70% off Mango, 50% off topshop and m)phosis, and even islandwide Watsons 20%.
When Malaysia goes sale, everyone reduces 10%. 10 freaking percent! A GREAT FAT LOAD OF MONEY THAT IS. You want to give 10% for fuck? $10 becomes $9? WOW! How about no? Keep the change, you filthy animal.
KLCC redeemed itself a little bit by having this shop called Girls, where the whole shop is catered to young girls to make them feel like princesses!! It is so lovely; Tuppy and I went crazy.

Check out the amount of pink! If you don't like the things here ladies, you are gay. This shop brings out all of our estrogen!

We are princesses!
Out of pure chance, Tuppy, Daphne and I walked into Nose, a shoe shop.
We just went mad.
OMG OMG OMG! The lovely kind you cannot get in Singapore! Once upon a time VNC used to sell nice, different shoes. Now it is just sold out. Like Charles and Keith. I HATE Charles and Keith.
Their shoes are all almost the same - yawn - kitten heels with a variation of a crossed, plain, or strappy tops. Wow, how totally refreshing! But Singaporean girls, most of them anyway, are boring and consists of shu nus, who totally dig such boring and common heels. Yucks.
Ditto Giordano. Keep it simple and boring, and your apparel is bound to strife in Singapore. Even better, you save on designing costs. I think our boring market is vast enough to tolerate another Baleno/Giordano/Bossini/U2/hangten.
And therefore Singapore's shoes CANNOT MAKE IT. Try to buy a pair nice boots? Or nice wedges? Tough. All you get are heels, heels, heels. The Charles and Keith/URS/VNC kind.

Oh my goodness I bought 2 pairs, $24.90 each. Price not VERY cheap (like Thailand's) but it is certainly very reasonable for something you cannot get in Singapore!

Pink and silver! Such lovely colours... I didn't buy it though, because the fit is not so good, and the heel is not high enough for me! The wedge part is also a dusty shade of pink. Nice!

Erm, ok, we all have our embarrassing moments.

This Diesel tee discriminates me.
Back in the hotel, Tuppy and I whore our shoes!!

Nice nice nice! This espadrille, in which mine has a higher wedge than Tuppy's, is actually a lookalike of Marc Jacobs' design. Woot! Only $24 bucks! Tuppy's one is even cheaper.
In case you didn't really get it, I love espadrilles.


I bought stripey socks for my masthead photoshoot!

Ah Tup also tries it on

And... DINNER! See how sian Idris and Tup are? HUNGRY PEOPLE ARE UNHAPPY PEOPLE!

This restaurant is famous for its shark's fin, which we didn't order coz it is expensive. Minimum RM30 for 1 person.

First dish, oily Kailan!

Second is duck. Disgusting parsley at the side. EEEW. SO smelly.

Tuppy eats it!!! She is really very gross.

Claypot beancurd. I was mortally disappointed because it is not the egg beancurd I wanted. =(



Compare it to my fingers put at the side.

We ordered the cheapest fish and it was a bit overcooked, but nice nonetheless.
And V whipped out a surprise cake for Tzehao as it was his birthday! Awww... So sweet right? We all didn't know how he did it.

What is Daphne doing?

The two of them.

Woopie it is all of Tuppy's and my loot!

The things we bought from Girls

We bought glasses from Petaling! (Glasses are cheap there) Tuppy's glasses are super reflective!

Can see my face in her glasses! =D

Haha boh liao

Total amount spent
Notice how we didn't buy any clothes? KL's fashion sucks leh. It is shop after shop of This Fashion at its worst in Petaling:

Would you wear these?

JIAN GUI LE! So freaking hideous!!! SHADE YOUR EYES!
Finally, we go back to Singapore...

Nice photo of Tuppy, with the background artificially blurred to look like an SLR shot.
I am so poor thing! Other people gorge themselves silly at the buffet table, and what do I eat?


SIAN! I eat apple! I hate apples.
I must talk about this STUPID LADY. We were on the coach back, and it stopped for a toilet break.
My bladder was bursting, but yet the ladies was full of people queuing up.
Now we all know there are two ways of queuing for toilets.
Either you form one long queue where the next in line goes to the next available toilet, or you queue directly outside a cubicle of your choice.
Now the long queue obviously means people were queuing using the former. THIS CHAO AUNTIE and THIS CHAO MALAY YOUNG GIRL, THEY JUST SKIP THE QUEUE AND GO AND STAND OUTSIDE A CUBICLE LEH!
SO UNCIVILISED RIGHT? Where got such thing one? Other people who came earlier than them are all standing, waiting, and you go cut the queue like that?!
I couldn't take it so I told Daphne to hold my position in the queue and I went to scold the lady.
"Hey, excuse me, can you get back in line or not? Do you know that you are cutting the queue? Everyone else is very urgent too you know?"
Both pua charbors stared at me and then looked back at the front, persisting to stand outside the cubicles.
OMG THEY ARE SO FUCKING RUDE! I presume the both of them cannot understand English but my hand signals were clear enough. But no!
And guess what? The rest of the people started to queue waiting outside cubicles too.
BARBARIANS! If you are so uncivilised, please pee in the bushes outside.
Such things will never happen in Singapore I tell you. Ok not never, but rather unlikely. At least Singaporean aunties will mumble back rudely and then go back to the queue.
Urgh. Annoyed, I stormed out of the toilet and found what I was looking for in 3 seconds. Because I rushed into the ladies, I didn't see the
handicapped toilet.It was EMPTY. AND CLEAN!
Thank god for Singapore... We are back and some people are walking across the causeway..

In a while we saw our pretty, neat streets, so brightly lit by our clean, working lamps...
I rushed down to Changi Airport to send Wong off (I specially took an earlier bus back for her...)

Changi airport... So clean, so developed, so thoroughly lovely.
But alas. I missed Wong by 15 minutes. Let's not talk about that because I am ready to cry when I think about how I missed the last chance to see her for a year.
Well, I met Ghimz...
Ghimz is disgusted with Malaysian cabbies tooAnd Ah dong and PY

But at least I am back home. Home, where the toilets' flushes works, our cabbies are honest, our men are not (so openly) lecherous, our roads are not jammed everyday, our bus and MRT brings us everywhere smoothly, our sale staff are generally polite, our food is clean, there is internet access, no stepping on chewing gum, our water can be drunk from the tap, and our govt, although highly controlling... ARE DOING THEIR JOB instead of getting sodomized.
I love metersIn conclusion, I'll possibly not go there again. Thank goodness, because of the good company and my fab shoes, the trip was salvaged. =)
Post-note: Woah woah! Don't get so angry, Malaysians! I've been to Penang, Ipoh, Malacca and JB, and I loved these places. However, KL disappointed me. Do not fault me, for all I did was to write a true-blue account of what happened. And if I didn't like the place, can't I complain on my blog? Popular as it is, it is still an avenue for me to vent my frustrations. =)
By now I know that I have been shopping at the wrong places, and perhaps, KL is not so bad after all? I guess I need a KL tour guide, haha! But what remains true is that the places and people I encountered remain an authentic part of KL, and won't it be good to warn future tourists not to go to such places? They really sucked. So what if part of KL sucks? I'm sure parts of SG sucks too.
So yes Malaysians, if you have advice for Singaporeans going to KL, do write them down, and do not slam Singaporeans for being arrogant and expecting too much. That's irrelevant and making excuses for the lousier parts of KL. Nobody goes to a country and expects to be cheated and molested, right? I don't think I expected too much. And well Malaysians, if you still decide to be rude and uncivilised, just think of the image you are protraying for your own country. Not good at all.
Oh yeah as for the toilet thingy, if there is already a long queue formed, there is no excuse to go queue outside a cubicle and cut everyone's queue. That's plain rude.
Be nice everyone! =)
UPDATE (22/12/2005):
I have all rights to dislike any place that I choose to dislike.
KL had the chance to make me like it, but sorry, all I saw were terrible things there. Don't trust my words, because I am a stupid tourist. Go there and get cheated, abused, and molested to fully feel the experience. While at that, remember that in all that 3rd world treatment you are getting, you are paying 1st world prices. Whoopee!
Read the irate comments by the angry Malaysians! Very funny indeed. :D
And oh yeah. Don't give me crap like "Don't come to KL then". Damn right I won't. Not after I saw how some of you KL-ites behave.
You have read this article with the title August 2005. You can bookmark this page URL https://celebritypices.blogspot.com/2005/08/kl-pretty-much-sucked.html. Thanks!